Source code for b_rabbit.b_rabbit

"""Main module."""
import rabbitpy
import uuid
import threading
from typing import *
from json import dumps
import logging.config
from os import path

conf = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'logging.ini')
logging.config.fileConfig(conf, disable_existing_loggers=False)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def calc_execution_time(func): """calculate execution Time of a function""" from timeit import default_timer try: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): before = default_timer() res = func(*args, **kwargs) after = default_timer() execution_time = after - before print("execution time of the Function {} is :=> {} seconds".format(func.__qualname__, execution_time)) return res return wrapper except Exception as e: logger.exception(e.args, exc_info=True)
[docs]class BRabbit: connection = None _active_queues = [] def __init__( self, host: str = "localhost", port: int = 5672, user: str = None, password: str = None, ): """ Wrapper class to store the connection to server globally. :param str host: Hostname of RabbitMQ Server :param int port: Port of RabbitMQ Server """ if user != None: self.connection = rabbitpy.Connection( "amqp://{}:{}@{}:{}/".format(user, password, host, str(port)) ) else: self.connection = rabbitpy.Connection( "amqp://{}:{}".format(host, str(port)) )
[docs] def close_connection(self): try: self._shutdown_gracefully() self.connection.close() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e.args)
[docs] def add_active_queues(self, queue): try: self._active_queues.append(queue) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e.args)
# @calc_execution_time def _shutdown_gracefully(self, delete=False): try: for activeQueue in self._active_queues: if delete: activeQueue.delete() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e.args)
[docs] class EventPublisher: """ event publisher, which sends events to all subscribers. Internal and External Publishers are now together in one Implementation """ def __init__(self, b_rabbit, publisher_name: str, exchange_type: str = 'topic', external: bool = False): """ Internal event publisher, which sends events to all subscribers. Parameters: :param str publisher_name: Name of publisher """ if not b_rabbit.connection: raise Exception('Create Instance of Class RabbitMqCommunicationInterface first') try: self.b_rabbit = b_rabbit with as channel: = channel self.exchange_name = publisher_name + '_events' if not external else 'External' + publisher_name + '_events' = rabbitpy.Exchange(channel=channel, name=self.exchange_name, exchange_type=exchange_type, durable=True)'Exchange is declared with the name: {}'.format(self.exchange_name)) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) # @calc_execution_time
[docs] def publish( self, routing_key: str, payload: str, important: bool = True, properties=None ): """ Publish of internal event. All internal subscribers will receive it. Parameters: :param str routing_key: Routing key for event :param str payload: Payload of event :param str important: indicate whether the publishing important or not, if yes it will set the mandatory publishing Feature :param BRabbit.Properties properties: properties object containing the properties dictionary that will be loaded into the rabbitpy.message object. """ try: with as channel: channel.enable_publisher_confirms() if properties == None: message = rabbitpy.Message( channel=channel, body_value=payload ) else: message = rabbitpy.Message( channel=channel, body_value=payload, properties=properties.properties_dict ) published = message.publish(, routing_key=routing_key, mandatory=important, ) if not published: logger.warning( 'message sent from: {} but RabbitMQ indicates Message publishing failure'.format(self.exchange_name)) else: "message sent from: {} and received successfully from RabbitMQ".format( self.exchange_name ) ) return published except rabbitpy.exceptions.MessageReturnedException as e: logger.error( "Because of the Mandatory Publishing, a Consumer Queue must already be binded to the Exchange" " to make sure that the published message will be sooner or later consumed and we will not lose it" " so make sure that the subscriber Queue is already bounded to the Publisher \n" "More Description of the Exception => {}".format(e.args)) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e.args, exc_info=False)
[docs] class EventSubscriber: """ Subscribe to events send by publisher """ # @calc_execution_time def __init__( self, b_rabbit, routing_key: str, publisher_name: str, exchange_type: str = "topic", routing_key_only: bool = False, external: bool = False, important_subscription: bool = True, event_listener: Callable = None, verbose : bool = False ): """ Subscribe to events send by publisher Parameters: :param str routing_key: Routing Key which was set for event by Publisher :param str publisher_name: Name of publisher :param str exchange_type: Type of exchange :param bool external: Is Publisher external? :param callable event_listener: User event listener (eventListener(body)) :param verbose: Pretty print inbound messages? """ if not b_rabbit.connection: raise Exception('Create Instance of Class RabbitMqCommunicationInterface first') self.b_rabbit = b_rabbit self.publisher_name = publisher_name with as channel: self.exchange_name = 'External_' + publisher_name + '_events' if external else publisher_name + '_events' = rabbitpy.Exchange(channel=channel, name=self.exchange_name, exchange_type=exchange_type, durable=True) "Exchange is declared Successfully from Subscriber: {} | with the name: {}".format( __name__, self.exchange_name ) ) if routing_key_only: queue_name = routing_key else: queue_name = ( self.exchange_name + "_" + routing_key + "_" + self.__get_subscriber_name() + "_queue" )"subscriber name: {}".format(queue_name)) queue = rabbitpy.Queue( channel, name=queue_name, durable=important_subscription, message_ttl=self.__msg_lifetime(), exclusive=False, ) queue = rabbitpy.Queue(channel, name=queue_name, durable=important_subscription, message_ttl=self.__msg_lifetime(), exclusive=False) queue.declare() #'{} was successfully declared from subscriber: {subscriber_name}') queue.bind(self.exchange_name, routing_key) self.queue_name = self.event_listener = event_listener self.verbose = verbose def __subscribe(self): ''' start waiting on events. You may do this in parallel. passes rabbitpy.message objects to event_listener. ''' with as channel: queue = rabbitpy.Queue(channel, self.queue_name) self.b_rabbit.add_active_queues(queue) for message in queue.consume(): if self.verbose: message.pprint(True) message.ack() self.event_listener(message)
[docs] def subscribe_on_thread(self, *thread_args, **thread_kwargs): """start Subscriber on an independent Thread""" subscriber_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__subscribe, *thread_args, **thread_kwargs) subscriber_thread.start() if subscriber_thread.is_alive():"Subscriber is running on The Thread: {}".format(
def __get_subscriber_name(self, in_docker=True): """get the subscriber name from host""" try: if not in_docker: import os name = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # get the whole Path of the Project Repository # logger.debug(f'name of the current Subscriber: {name}') return name.split('\\')[-2] # return only the name of the Project (example: Statistics Service) else: import socket name = socket.gethostname() # logger.debug(f'name of the current Subscriber: {name}') return name except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) def __msg_lifetime(self, days: int = 7) -> int: """ function to determine how long should the message stay in the Queue. delete a Message in a Queue if it will not be consumed for a long Time :param days: message life in the Queue. default to one Week """ try: return days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # convert those days to Milliseconds except Exception as e: logger.exception(e.args)
[docs] class TaskExecutor: corr_id = None channel = None ''' TaskExecutor registers on Task which is triggered by TaskRequester. ''' def __init__(self, b_rabbit, executor_name: str, routing_key: str, task_listener): """ TaskExecutor registers on Task which is triggered by TaskRequester. :param str executor_name: Name of Executor :param str routing_key: Routing Key of task :param callable task_listener: User task listener which is called """ assert type(executor_name) is str, "executor name should be a string" assert type(routing_key) is str, "routing key should be a string" if not b_rabbit.connection: raise Exception('Create Instance of Class BRabbit first') self.exchange_name, self.routing_key = executor_name + '_tasks', routing_key self.b_rabbit, self.task_listener = b_rabbit, task_listener self.executor_name, self.exchange_name = executor_name, self.exchange_name def __register_on_task(self, queue_name=''): """ Registers task. This might be called in parallel. :param queue_name: task queue that will receive the request. default value set to random uuid queue """ with as channel: task_queue = rabbitpy.Queue(channel, name=queue_name, durable=True, exclusive=True) task_queue.declare() task_queue.bind(self.exchange_name, self.routing_key) self.b_rabbit.add_active_queues(task_queue) for message in task_queue.consume(): = channel self.corr_id, self.replyTo =['correlation_id'],['reply_to'] self.msg, self.deliveryTag = message, message.delivery_tag message.ack() try: self.task_listener(self, message.body) except Exception as e: logger.critical('Error in Custom Implementation of TaskExecuter') logger.debug(e.args, exc_info=False) # @calc_execution_time
[docs] def send_return(self, payload: str): """ Send return to TaskRequester which contains the results of task. :param str payload: payload of task response """ assert type(payload) is str, "payload must be a string or convertible to JSON" response = rabbitpy.Message(, body_value=payload, properties={'correlation_id': self.corr_id}) response.publish(exchange='', routing_key=self.replyTo)
[docs] def run_task_on_thread(self, *thread_args, **thread_kwargs): """start task Executor on an independent Thread""" task_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__register_on_task, *thread_args, **thread_kwargs) task_thread.start() if task_thread.is_alive(): logger.debug("Task Executor is running on The Thread: {}".format(
[docs] class TaskRequesterSynchron: ''' TaskRequesterSynchron requests tasks synchronously. ''' corr_id = None def __init__(self, b_rabbit, executor_name: str, routing_key: str, response_listener): """ TaskRequesterSynchron requests tasks synchronously. :param str executor_name: Name of Executor :param str routing_key: Routing Key of task which is set by Executor :param callable response_listener: User response listener which is called """ assert type(executor_name) is str, "executor_name argument must be a string" assert type(routing_key) is str, "routing_key argument must be a string" if not b_rabbit.connection: raise Exception('Create Instance of Class RabbitMqCommunicationInterface first') self.b_rabbit, self.corr_id, self.executor_name = b_rabbit, str(uuid.uuid4()), executor_name with as channel:, self.routing_key = channel, routing_key self.exchange_name, self.response_listener = executor_name + '_tasks', response_listener = rabbitpy.Exchange(channel=channel, exchange_type='direct', name=self.exchange_name, durable=True) logger.debug( 'Exchange: {} was successfully declared from task Requester: {}'.format('self.exchange_name', 'executor_name'))
[docs] def request_task(self, payload: str, queue_name=''): """ Do request task from executer. :param str payload: payload of task Request :param str queue_name: name of the callback queue to consume the response """ assert type(payload) is str, "payload must be of type string" with as channel: callback_queue = rabbitpy.Queue(channel, name=queue_name, durable=True, exclusive=True) callback_queue.declare() # # f'{} was successfully declared from task Requester: {self.executor_name}') request = rabbitpy.Message(channel, body_value=payload, properties={'reply_to':, 'correlation_id': self.corr_id}) request.publish(, routing_key=self.routing_key) self.b_rabbit.add_active_queues(callback_queue) for message in callback_queue.consume(prefetch=1): message.ack() # check if correlation id fits to the call you did if self.corr_id ==['correlation_id']: self.response_listener(message.body)
[docs] class TaskRequesterAsynchron: """ TaskRequesterSynchron requests tasks asynchon. """ def __init__(self, b_rabbit, executor_name: str, routing_key: str, response_listener): """ TaskRequesterSynchron requests tasks asynchon. :param str executor_name: Name of Executor :param str routing_key: routing Key of task which is set by Executor :param callable response_listener: User response listener which is called """ assert type(executor_name) is str, "executor_name must be a string" assert type(routing_key) is str, "routing_key must be a string" if not b_rabbit.connection: raise Exception('Create Instance of Class RabbitMqCommunicationInterface first') self.task_requester = b_rabbit.TaskRequesterSynchron(b_rabbit, executerName=executor_name, routingKey=routing_key, responseListener=response_listener)
[docs] def request_task(self, payload: str): """ Do request task from executor. :param str payload: Data needed for task execution. """ assert type(payload) is str, "payload of the request_task method must be of type string" thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: self.task_requester.request_task(payload=payload)) thread.start()
[docs] class Properties: def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ :param key=value **kwargs: Assign values here. Ex: p = BRabbit.Properties(correlation_id = "val"). Provide this object as an argument to an EventPublisher.publish() call to add properties to your message. See rabbitpy documentation for all properties values and types. """ self.properties_dict = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.properties_dict[key] = value